Testimonial interview questions
Testimonial interview questions for testimonial videos
Scripting good testimonial questions is an art. Getting the right answers from those same questions can sometimes seem even harder. That’s why we have created this easy guide to help you script strong testimonial questions that improve the quality and usability of your testimonial videos. We have divided the question into these categories; background, relationship, offer, results, process, and goals. If you want to reach our team to ask about how we produce premium testimonial videos then you can view our prices here. Let’s get started.
In the beginning of a testimonial video you want to ask questions that establish a solid credibility of the speaker. Give them room to talk about their background, skills, position and the company they represent. The more credibility you create for the participants in your testimonial video the better it will be received, and it’s really not that difficult. Testimonial questions like; Can you please tell us your name, position, and the company you represent? What personally gets you excited about what your company does? These testimonial questions and many more are very useful to create strong credibility. Our team at Storisell helps you draft strong testimonial questions ahead of your next video production with us.
Having a good relationship is great. Communicating it to the world is even better. In testimonial video production the questions that need to be asked are in many cases tied to the seller-buyer relationship. This means that making the participants talk about the relationship is important not just to strengthen the existing bond but to create strong external social proof that will be viewed by prospective buyers. Testimonial questions that are worth asking are; How would you describe working with their organisation? What makes them such a great company to partner with? If you had to choose three things they did well, what would they be? Testimonial questions that focus on the relationship help communicate a strong frame to prospective buyers.
Many people related testimonial videos to reviewing what they liked about a specific offer that they have ordered at some point, and they are absolutely right. Testimonial videos need to focus on questions that relate to the offer. Giving strong arguments for why other buyers should consider purchasing the same product or service. Testimonial questions that focus on offers aim at making the participants recommend something in an authentic way. These questions could be; What about their offer made you choose them? Can you describe the problem you faced and how their offer managed to solve the problem? Would you recommend their company to other buyers looking for similar offers? These types of testimonial questions help create a strong argument for purchasing the offer.
It’s always good to showcase the end-result of the offer that has been delivered. That provides a strong reference point that presents what other buyers can expect from purchasing something similar. We recommend sending questions about results over to the participants in advance so that they can prepare key figures to the testimonial production. It could be that the buyer has very clear statistics that provide an even stronger argument. Testimonial questions like; What tangible results did you see? Would you like to share some results? Can easily turn into water-proof arguments that you want to share with prospective buyers.
Prospective buyers can many times ask for a description of the process before making a final commitment and purchase so your testimonial questions should include a couple of questions describing the process. Having your previous buyers talk about what they liked about your process can shed a very positive light on your offer. You can use testimonial questions like; How did you experience the process of buying/working with the company? What stood out to you about the process? These testimonial questions help create a strong testimonial video that will answer frequently asked questions that you get in the sales process. The process part of your testimonial video can also be exported as a separate short video and used as social proof next time you get a question about the company’s processes.
Previously we wrote about the results that the offer has yielded for the participants that are conducting the testimonial video. It’s also important to focus on the goals that the buyer has going forward. Linking these goals to increased usage or a high frequency of purchasing the offer is a strong external reference for prospective buyers. A simple question like this can help you relate to new buyers; What are your goals moving forward and how does this offer help you achieve them? This testimonial question could have a lot of answers but it deliberately helps you tie those answers back to new prospective deals.
Producing testimonial videos
It’s important to script the right type of testimonial questions when you draft your production plan in the pre-production phase. The types of questions will influence the quality of your videos. At Storisell we produce premium testimonial videos for our clients in a variety of industries. You can download our prices here to learn more about our production details and how to get started.
Best regards,
William Sehlin
Co-Founder / CEO at Storisell
Testimonial Video Prices
Producing premium testimonial videos is important to showcase and build social proof for your company. At Storisell we have a long-standing history of producing premium testimonial videos. Learn more about our prices. To get started, fill in your company information via the form and you will automatically get an email with our prices.